Working Groups

Working groups are formed by members of the Coalition and supported by CFNS administrative and content resources. Working groups are responsible for advocacy on the respective topics as well as providing thought leadership for knowledge management and membership services (events, conferences, etc.). These working groups are theatres of action which enrich all the activities that we undertake. The construct of working groups keeps evolving over time. The following table describes the functions of our current working groups:

Working Group Functions
Thematic Working Groups
Essential Nutrition Interventions WG to work on policy and program recommendations for advocacy to universalize ENIs.
Sub-groups can be created to focus on specific topics, as required (e.g. sub-group on SAM, Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices, etc.)
Food Security WG to work on policy and program recommendations for advocacy to universalize food security (incl. improving nutritive value of food safety net programs, improving nutritive value of food grown by subsistence farmers)
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) WG to work on policy and program recommendations for advocacy in interventions related to WASH.
Intersectoral working groups
Human Resource Development in nutrition WG to work on recommendations for human resource development in nutrition and food security for existing workforce (e.g. ASHA workers, nurses, etc.) and additional workforce (e.g. public health nutritionists)
Socially responsible business and Nutrition WG to work on recommendations for engaging pvt. sector in nutrition through PPPs, CSR, market-based solutions, etc. for improving state of food and nutrition security.
Accountability and governance WG to work on topics related to accountability and governance of programs and policies for food and nutrition security.
Rights, Gender & Equity WGs to work on addressing issues around rights, gender and equity in food and nutrition.
Will need to address issues across key sectors including food, nutrition, health & WASH.
Media and Information and Communication Technology(ICT) WG to work on important cross cutting topics: media and education in nutrition as well as use of ICT to promote food and nutrition security.
Overarching multi-sectoral group WG responsible for advocacy at broader platforms (e.g. National Nutrition Mission) where multi-sectoral coordinated efforts are required
WG formed by representatives from other thematic and cross cutting WGs.
Sub-groups can be set up for specific topics of urgent interest (e.g. sub-group for advocating for nutrition as a development indicator, etc.)