Key Partners and Collaborators

The Coalition for Food and Nutrition Security (CFNS) is grateful to the key partners who supported the largest platform of multi stakeholder alliance for raising awareness, fostering collaboration and improved program to achieve sustainable food and nutritional security for all.

Key Collaborators:

  • Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India
  • International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Population Foundation of India
  • The India Nutrition Initiative
  • World Bank Trust

Key Partners:

Centre for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Assam

The Coalition has worked closely with Centre for Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs) and in collaboration with Government of Assam to accelerate SDGs in Assam to implement World Bank’s supported technical assistance to improve health, nutrition and early childhood development in the state.

Jharkhand State Nutrition Mission, Govt. of Jharkhand

CFNS has a collaboration with State Nutrition Mission, Jharkhand since March 2020 with an objective to achieve sustainable nutrition security in Jharkhand, to discuss and identify actions to be undertaken, studies to be instituted, consultations to be
organised towards achieving a sustainable and nutrition secured Jharkhand.

We Can-C2IQ Initiative

CFNS has been collaborating with WeCan for organising Coverage, Continuity, Intensity and Quality (C2IQ) workshops in various states like Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Odisha and Jharkhand.

Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay

CTARA, IIT Bombay is the knowledge partner of CFNS. CTARA and CFNS in the past has also co-hosted successful webinars on Nutri-Garden. CTARA also supports the training programs on data collection, analysis and visualisation facilitated by CFNS from time to time.

Tata Cornell Institute (TCI)

Coalition for Food and Nutrition Security (CFNS) India, the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI), and BAIF Development Research Foundation are jointly organising a series of web-based policy discussions on themes related to food, nutrition, and agriculture.