WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)

To remain healthy, hygiene is crucial. Food and Nutrition security is not possible if we lack access to clean drinking water and adequate and effective sanitation facility. Hygiene practices like washing hands before eating can make huge difference in the nutritional status of child. Thus, we must emphasise on WASH practices as much as possible.

Shillong Declaration (WASH) (2015) – Promoting Sustainable Partnerships

ACF (2017). A practical guidebook on increasing nutritional impact through integration of WASH and Nutrition programmes.

UNICEF (2016). Nutrition – WASH Toolkit. Guide for Practical Joint Actions Nutrition-Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

WHO and UNICEF (2015). Improving Nutrition Outcomes With Better Water, Sanitation And Hygiene: Practical Solutions For Policies And Programmes.

WaterAid (2016). Caught Short. How a lack of toilets and clean water contributes to malnutrition.

WaterAid (2016). The Missing Ingredients. are policy makers doing enough on water, sanitation and hygiene to end malnutrition?

ACF, ECHO and UNICEF (2016). WASH Nutrition Operational Manual: A practical guidebook on increasing nutritional impact through integration of WASH and nutrition programs.

WaterAid and SHARE (2016). The missing ingredients: are policy-makers doing enough on water, sanitation and hygiene to end undernutrition?

Chase and Nguru (2016). Multisectoral Approaches to Improving Nutrition: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene? World Bank Report.