Social and Behaviour Change Communications (SBCC)

Simply putting interventions in place would not give desired results. It is very important to change the social behaviour of people if we want to see the changes we desire. Merely making toilets would not reduce open defecation unless we change people’s mind-set and encourage them to use the newly built toilets. Thus, social behaviour change is vital in making our efforts towards food and nutrition security successful.

Using Participatory Learning and Action to Empower Women’s Groups to Improve Feeding Practices in Madhya Pradesh

The Sanjhi Sehat program has worked in 14 blocks in eight districts of Madhya Pradesh using participatory learning and action (PLA) to promote infant and young children feeding and other health, nutrition, water sanitation, and hygiene practices among pregnant or lactating women, mothers of preschool children, and adolescent girls.

Combating Mixed Messages: Promoting Complementary Feeding in Mumbai’s Slums

The First Thousand Days program in Mumbai’s slums provides one-on-one counseling, courses, and home visits with pregnant and lactating mothers on complementary feeding practices. The objective of this program is to support proper growth and good health during the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, avoiding the common plague of undernutrition and malnutrition.

Improving Complementary Feeding through Community- Based Management of Malnutrition in Rural India

The Action Against Malnutrition project was created to attempt to effectively manage child malnutrition at the community level in seven blocks of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Odisha.

Implementing IYCF Counseling Centers in Bihar

Bihar is greatly challenged by a low rate of recommended infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. Poor breastfeeding practices alone lead to 800,000 child deaths each year in Bihar— almost 12 percent of all child deaths in the state.

Leveraging the Power of Women’s Groups and Financial Services to Improve Knowledge and Behaviors for Improved Child and Maternal Nutrition

Microfinance institutions (MFIs), self-help promoting institutions (SHPIs), and their self-help groups (SHGs) reach about 90 million poor women in India, bringing them together regularly to participate in financial activities that support their livelihoods.