Food Security working group to work on convergent action and influence synergy building

Food Security working group to work on convergent action and influence synergy building

Coalition’s ‘Food Security’ working group host Care India, organised the third meeting of the working group on July 25, 2017 at Care India office, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. World Food Programme(WFP), Digital Green, Deepak Foundation, World Vision India(WVI), Project Concern International(PCI), Matri Sudha – Charitable Trust, Food Fast Information and Action Network(FIAN), Catholic Relief Services(CRS) representatives attended the meeting along with many other researchers and development professionals.

In India, the lack of multi sectoral convergence is a barrier to successful implementation of many programmes. The working group agreed to do an analysis of existing policies, acts and constitutional provisions of the country and evaluate those in the following areas :-

(1) Dietary intake
(2) nutrition sensitive agriculture
(3) terms of trade
(4) vulnerable population
(5) sustainability.

This programme policy gap analysis will generate evidences for advocacy with the policy makers and recommendations for better synergy and convergence