Skilling Human Resource working group to Organise Leadership Programme for State Food Commissions

Skilling Human Resource working group to Organise Leadership Programme for State Food Commissions

 To ensure even distribution of public entitlements and food security in the state, the need for capacity building of existing State Food Commissions were discussed in the recently held meeting of the Skilling Human Resource working group on January 29, 2018 and members agreed that the working group should focus on developing training modules for State Food Commissions and organise Leadership Programmes for each State Food Commission to increase awareness and build accountability of the Food Commissions.

For the year 2018-19, the working group targeted to organise three such meetings in Odisha, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand. The first meeting will be organised in Odisha tentatively in April 2018 and a shared responsibility towards this was also worked out by the group members.